Standards & Resources

Useful Resources for Practitioners

// Standards

MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data - LoC // DNB // OCLC
KBART - Knowledge Bases and Related Tools Recommended Practice
ONIX for Books Product Information Message
ISBD - International Standard Bibliographic Description
JATS - Journal Article Tag Suite // BITS

// Catalogues

Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog (GVK/ k10plus)
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
LoC OPAC // LC Subject Headings (LCSH)
Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS)
VIAF - Virtual International Authority File
Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)

// APIs

Crossref API
SRU - Search/Retrieve via URL // Z39.50-Zugang des GBV
WorldCat - bib Read

// Tools

R // RStudio

// De Gruyter’s (interim) metadata portal

DG metadata portal - packages’ MARCs and KBARTs
DG eBook records - title level records